Donate Funds FoodShare

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Donate Funds

Your gift will help many people in our region who are going hungry unnecessarily to have access to nutritious food whilst they are experiencing financial difficulty.  In fact, for every $1 you donate, we can distribute $7 worth of food.

Your Donation Can Help In The Following Ways

  • $30 can help us relieve a family’s hunger for a week
  • $50 can help us feed a child in our breakfast program for 3 months
  • $100 can feed a single parent family with nutritious food for a month
  • $500 can feed a family for 3 months and really help them get ahead
  • $1000 can help 2 families really get back on their feet


Account Name: Albury Wodonga Regional FoodShare
BSB: 633 000
Account Number: 145310009

Please fill in the below form with your bank transfer details in the appropriate fields so we can send you a receipt.
