Our Constitution
Our constitution outlines our structure and governance, providing a clear framework for our operations and decision-making. It serves as the guiding document that ensures transparency, accountability, and the alignment of our activities with our mission to alleviate hunger and food insecurity in the Albury-Wodonga region. By adhering to these principles, we are committed to maintaining the trust of our community, partners, and supporters, as we continue to work together towards a future where everyone has access to healthy and nutritious food.
Consitution (updated 2023)
Our Vision, Mission & Values
Our Vision
“Everyone in our region has access to sufficient healthy and culturally appropriate food for good health – no one goes hungry.”
Our Mission
“To work together to maximise the volume and nutritional quality of food for local people in need”
Our Values
Social Justice – we believe all people have the right to adequate amounts of nutritious, culturally appropriate food without the need for emergency relief.
Empowerment – we build on people’s strengths and enable them to speak and act for themselves and create their own ways out of poverty.
Efficiency – we work efficiently, making the most of our time, money, food, and resources and reduce waste with creative solutions.
Sustainability – we minimise the carbon footprint of food production, transport, manufacturing, storage and distribution.
Collaboration – we seek and achieve a successful strategic partnership to maximise our common goals.
Innovation – we think and work strategically to innovatively solve problems and strive to address our purpose.
Health – highly nutritious food is a must for everyone – we seek it, we provide it and educate about it.
Diversity – we leverage the strengths offered by diversity and see this as an opportunity for success.
Integrity – we are honest, open and responsible in all our interactions.
Our Strategic Plan
FoodShare is a well-established and essential community service. With cost-of-living pressures taking a toll on our communities, the demand for food relief is putting increased pressure on the organisation both in the scope of its work and in its sustainability. Uniquely located on the border between NSW and Victoria, FoodShare works across two state governments in all aspects of its operations.
FoodShare has shown strong resilience in the face of emergencies (such as bushfires and floods) and as an essential service provider during the pandemic. In the midst of responding to these emergencies, FoodShare performed strongly against the last Strategic Plan (2022-2024).Our Functions
- Source, store and distribute food
- Local resilience building
- Operate a social supermarket
- Market and fundraise
- Educate and empower people to be food secure
- Link people to wrap around support services
- Being the recognised, legitimate voice and leader of local and regional food security
- First responder and rapid mobiliser
Our Goals
In five years, we will be:
- Financially secure, including proportional investment from all three levels of Government
- Food secure
- In a fit for purpose facility
- Seated at the table with all levels of Government for NSW and Vic
- Operating a network of social supermarkets in priority areas
- With a thriving volunteer and paid workforce
- Recognised by our communities as an essential community asset
- A key member of established regional food security networks in NSW and Vic
Our Priority Areas
- Community Food Security and Resilience
- Operational Sustainability
- Financial Sustainability
- Our People and Capability
- Advocacy and Engagement
- Governance and Risk
Our Objectives
- To strengthen community food security
- To ensure operational sustainability
- To ensure financial sustainability
- To ensure we have the right people and the resources they need, to deliver on this plan and our grant commitments
- For the work of FoodShare to be understood, valued and supported by our communities, funders and supporters
- To enhance governance and risk management processes and capability to reflect the increasing complexity of the organisation